125th Anniversary and the Future
Today the Phoebe A. Hearst Preschool provides a preschool program for children ages two through five, and continues to serve an ethnically and economically diverse student body. Throughout its history, part of the school’s mission has been to provide a preschool education to San Francisco’s disadvantaged children.
Approximately 25% of Phoebe A. Hearst Preschool students receive some form of financial aid. The school’s program continues to embrace Rhoda Kellogg’s philosophy of early childhood education based on a child-centered curriculum of art, music, drama and active play.
On October 16, 2004 the Golden Gate Kindergarten Association celebrated its 125th Anniversary with an all-day celebration held at the school. The Phoebe Hearst Preschool continues to thrive, with each of its four classrooms at full enrollment and a waiting list for each fall’s class.
In addition to fulfilling its mission of providing high-quality, child-centered education to a broad range of San Francisco’s children, the Golden Gate Kindergarten Association hopes to expand and enhance its program in a number of areas. In recent years, we have added an Art Studio, a Sensory Motor Room and a Tinkering Studio.
The Board of the Golden Gate Kindergarten Association looks forward to continued growth and success in the 21st century and beyond.