Tour Schedule
We hold school tours from September through January of the following year, on Wednesday mornings. Please call us to schedule a tour appointment.
Wait Pool
Families who are notified that they are in the Wait Pool must tell us if they wish to be considered for any openings that arise. If they do not respond, their application will not be considered for future openings.
Frequently Asked Questions
How old do children have to be before starting?
Children must have turned 2 years old by September 1 of the year they wish to start in the program.
Do openings ever occur during the school year?
Yes. However, the majority of our children start in September. We fill openings during the year from our Wait Pool.
How do you select families for the program?
We have a commitment to diversity as a central part of our mission statement. Each year we try to put together classes that reflect this commitment, drawing from our applications or our Wait Pool. We DO NOT interview parents or screen children. There is a sibling preference.
Still have questions? Get in touch